Alumni & Friends Testimonials

Noelle Schlenk, 2021
“The Leadership Engagement Certificate pushed me to grow not only as a leader, but as an effective and productive member of society. I learned how to evaluate and alleviate many common “real life” problems - something I have found to be an invaluable skill. In addition, the certificate allowed me to make connections with some outstanding folks outside of my field (biology). Completing the Leadership Engagement Certificate was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend it to any and all students.”
Noah Johnson, 2021
"The Leadership Engagement Certificate has taught me the fundamentals of adaptive leadership to apply throughout my life. Additionally, the support I got from the faculty and experiences I gained helped my professional development. I was able to do all my leadership experience abroad through a KU study abroad program. Not only was I able to gain fundamental skills as I shadowed doctors abroad, but I also applied skills such as understanding important stakeholders and how to act on civil leadership – a perspective that was an immense learning experience in another country. After completing the program, I see my academic environment and future coming together with more direction and simplicity, rather than an entanglement of undirected complexity. I now feel more confident pursuing the professional world outside of the University of Kansas. I recently had an interview for medical school and was able to confidently discuss leadership as it pertained to myself and the world around me – a great representation on the importance of the program. I would recommend this program to anyone looking for professional development, building social skills, and budding a more collected version of a future outside of any undergraduate program. If I was not already majoring and minoring in many different disciplines, there is no doubt that I would find time to be a part of the distinguished Leadership Studies Minor!"
Megan Gunter, 2021 graduate
"The LSM courses were some of the most influential of my undergraduate career and I really appreciate all that you and your office do."
Sarah Moussaoui, 2015 KWLI alumni from Morocco
"The Kansas Women's Leadership Institute made me realize that I matter, and that I can achieve my highest goals. The KWLI helped me become a stronger woman, capable of facing the challenging path of glory. It taught me to listen, to empathize to take initiatives towards change, to adopt integrity as the ultimate doctrine, to have a clear purpose, to master communication, and most importantly to inspire others by words and actions."
Kendall Kohnle, 2015 graduate
"The main takeaway I gained from the LSM was self-knowledge and awareness. I feel I truly have a deep understanding of myself, what I stand for, and who I hope to become in the future. I also feel I am better suited to diagnose a problem and tackle it in any way I see fit. I am no longer afraid of getting the wrong answer or having to start over because I have the tools to at least make a dent in the issue if not solve it completely in my own way."
Ally Briggs, 2014 KWLI alumni from Kansas & 2015 KU graduate
"The KWLI gave me the opportunity to share a part of myself and find that I have things in common with women from every part of the world. It made my identity as a global citizen even more clear, and as my dedication to the world as a whole has become stronger, I feel an even deeper connection to my Kansas roots."
Kelli Klecan, 2014 graduate
"The Leadership Minor gave me the opportunity to take ownership of my education, my work, and my ideas. The instructors created an atmosphere for me to practice real life skills in a safe, experimental environment."
Beth O'Neill, 2012 graduate
"What I took away from the LSM was very different from what I had anticipated entering into it. The sole focus is not on how to be a leader, but to understand how people engage in the process of leadership. It has benefitted me when looking at groups or systems in my own life and understanding why they might not be effective or efficient."