Academic Staff

Academic Staff

Mary Banwart
  • Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development, Mentoring, and Growth, Office of Faculty Affairs
  • Associate Director, Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Professor, Communication Studies Department
  • Program Director/PI, Women's Global Leadership Consortium

Mauricio Gomez Montoya
  • Student Experience Designer for University Honors Program
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 690: Sports and Social Justice in the U.S.

profile picture for Kevin Joseph
  • Assistant Vice Provost
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 769: DEI Program Assessment

Amy Leyerzapf
  • Senior Lecturer and Director of Instructional Design and Development
  • CTE Honors Faculty Fellow
  • Teaching LDST 203: Introduction to Leadership, Honors
  • Teaching LDST 535: Seminar in Leadership Strategies and Applications
  • Teaching LDST 705: Professionalization Seminar in Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 715: Leadership, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Teaching LDST 850: Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion Capstone

Bailee Meyers
  • Associate Director Marketing and Programs for KU Memorial Union
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 320: Event Development & Management

Ray Pence
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Acting Undergraduate Director for Department of American Studies
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 700: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion

profile picture for Precious Porras
  • Vice President for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 799: Black Women in Leadership

Jacob Stutzman
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 200: Introduction to Leadership Studies and Applications; LDST 520: Leadership Ethics
  • Teaching LDST 710: Leadership Theory; LDST 720: Leadership Ethics

Emily Vietti
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Director, Ready to Run Kansas
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 200: Introduction to Leadership Studies and Applications; LDST 203: Introduction to Leadership, Honors; LDST 431: Communication and Leadership

profile picture for Michelle Wilson
  • Assistant Director for Academic and Professional Development
  • Lecturer for Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Teaching LDST 760: Leadership Communication

Alesia Woszidlo
  • Director for the Institute for Leadership Studies
  • Director of Graduate Studies in Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion
  • Associate Professor, Communication Studies
  • Academic Director, Kansas Women's Leadership Institute
  • Teaching LDST 420: Communication, Leadership, and Conflict Management