Online Leadership Strategies and Applications Certificate

Description of Certificate
The Leadership Strategies and Applications Certificate introduces the principles effective and ethical leadership through the Adaptive Leadership paradigm. Students will explore leadership tools and processes, a variety of perspectives of ethical decision making and behavior, strategies for effective interpersonal communication and conflict management, and online communication theories and practices.
Students will complete 12 credits via five 8-week minimester courses across a minimum of two academic semesters.
This course combines an introduction to a theoretical, research-based approach to the study of leadership with hands-on application, analysis and experimentation with the process of leadership. Students will explore core leadership competencies and apply leadership tools and processes across a variety of groups and systems, addressing issues of concern within those communities. This course satisfies the LDST 201/LDST 202 requirement for the Leadership Studies Minor. This course is not available to students with credit in LDST 201/LDST 202.
This course provides a foundation for the study of communication in organizational contexts. It introduces students to various organization theories including classical, human relations, systems, and cultural approaches and examines the role of communication in each. Information flow, communication climate, communication networks, work relationships and managerial communication are discussed as well as organizational symbolism, conflict resolution, rituals and ethics. The course is designed to heighten students' awareness of the role of communication in the organizing process and to develop their abilities to diagnose and prevent communication-related problems. COMS 130 or COMS 150 is a prerequisite. This course is taught online as an 8 week minimester.
This course introduces students to theories of conflict management from a variety of academic perspectives and the role leadership plays in managing conflict across multiple contexts. Students will learn how to successfully assess and command situations and effectively resolve interpersonal, organizational, and systemic conflict while doing the work of leadership. This course is co-listed as COMS 415. This course is taught online as an 8 week minimester.
Through collaboration, discussion, case study, and course readings, Leadership Ethics familiarizes students with various theoretical perspectives of ethical decision making and the ethics-guided behavior essential for competent leadership. Upon completion, students will understand a variety of ethical perspectives for the prescription of action in a leadership context, apply a variety of ethical perspectives to the choice and evaluation of action in leadership work, and recognize the significance of considering multiple ethical perspectives in both leadership and broader contexts. LDST 202 is a prerequisite. This course is taught online as an 8 week minimester.
More Information
For admission criteria and application information, visit Jayhawk Global.